Heineken Green Room pres. 2manydjs @ KL Live
We’re still only in the 1st month of 2010 but boy, a lot of us would’ve prolly decided the best party of the year in mind already. There was so much hype and excitement that thankfully didn’t blow up to nothin’ because Heineken Green Room didn’t disappoint. In fact, it also might be safe to say that KL Live could be the best live venue of the year even. Seriously, if you missed out, you missed out maaaan.
Heineken Green Room had the formula of everything a great party should be: Great acts, bangin’ music, spacious venue and on a personal note, the choice of cigarettes. Its the darndest thing really when previously you went to 4 different places to find your beloved Camels but to no avail and then coming into KL Live to find someone walking right up to you to sell you what you’ve been looking for all night. But that’s a different story altogether. Anyway, the only thing that was a slight disappointment was that all of that Heinek-y fun juice was finished before the night was through and that was a major bummer.
The crowd was pretty hyped up before 2manydjs came on stage. The openers for the night included Jakarta’s Agrikulture and our Friday night fun makers TAG. GXXX really got the crowd going with Goldfish and a rock drummer doing a one off set specially for the night. Before the main act went on stage, us JUICErs Ben and I managed to take a quick visit backstage to meet the charming Dewaele brothers. Stephan and David took a liking to our tees (Ben’s Mao Zedong, mine “I heart mullets”) and in turn the brothers showed us the raddest Kuala Lumpur shirt they’ve spotted and just had to buy. Seriously symbolic stuff, this tee as worn by their visual guy. A prophecy perhaps? Touch wood.
The Dewaele brothers are an interesting lot. We proceeded to have an intense conversation about this mystery local band called Ben’s Bitches which Stephan took an interest in and even asked for the Myspace address.
“What do they sing about?” Stephan asks
“Large pencils, circumcision – everyday stuff really.” replies Ben
“Hey we played Ben’s Bitches at TAG before called ‘Amber Chia’. It’s about our Malaysian supermodel who got picked for Tag Heuer.” says TAG member ChaseyLain.
“Its GUESS la, Kelvin.” I whispered.
“Really cool! We’ll definitely check the Myspace out. Does anybody want a banana or an apple?” asks 2manydjs.
Other than that conversation and Stephan saying “What are you guys doing after the show? We’re all going to get naked and give group hugs!”, it was a good indication that 2manydjs were going to give us one heck of a set and sure enough, these maestros were mixing mash-ups, hybrids and bastard pop classics in no time like ‘Zombie Nation’, dude – in suits. Sexay. During 2manydjs’ you were either dancing like there’s no tomorrow, standing still and staring at the visuals or taking pictures non stop of said visuals. The visuals were BRILLIANT and everyone couldn’t help but stare at animated album covers throughout the set.
After their heart stopping set, everyone had some time to catch their breaths before the last set from Lapsap who ended the night on a high note. Great job Heineken Green Room, just don’t run out of fun juice next time. Could we cross our fingers for another 2manydjs visit in the future? Maybe this time when we look at the visuals with awe, a certain Mamak Conspiracy album might pop up…
Heineken Green Room pres. 2manydjs was held at KL Live on 15 January 2010. For more pix check out our gallery!