Harith Iskandar Breaks Down The Palestine-Israel Conflict, Reminds Netizens That It “Isn’t a Muslim Issue”

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(source: Malay Mail / Instagram)

Over the past week, the solidarity showed by Malaysian social media users in support of the Palestinian plight against the Israeli regime’s aggression has been well documented.

According to NST, Palestinian Cultural Organisation Malaysia (PCOM) Chairman Muslim Imran said Malaysia’s virtual war against the Zionist regime, using the hashtag #IsraelKoyak among others, has proved to be influential and effective.

“Malaysia’s support in terms of political, diplomatic, financial and cyber efforts are very important and useful. We are winning the moral battle because of these contributions, so please continue the efforts,” he said.

(source: Harakah Daily)

While it’s amazing how much solidarity Malaysians have shown, both online and by donations, many Malaysians are torn over the fact that some Malaysians spew out anti-semitic views when bringing up this topic.

Recently, popular comedian Harith Iskandar pointed out that the Palestine-Israel conflict is not a “Jew vs Muslim” issue and instead, calls it a humanitarian crisis. In a five-minute video, he emphasised that he does not condone Zionist forces and the Israeli government by stating that they are “borderline inhumane”.

“The bombs are real, the devastation is real. Something must be done to stop the violence,” he said.

Once that was cleared out, he noted that boycotting is not effective enough to help Palestinians as “boycotting” only happens every few years when devastating news from Palestine surfaces. Most of these boycotts hurt Malaysian stakeholders and employees, and some of the big companies targeted have already issued statements condemning the conflict.

(source: Instagram)

He then said that when Malaysians are riled up, “Anti-jew sentiments rears its ugly head… and (some Malaysians will) turn it into a ‘war on Islam’. Yes, the Palestinians are predominately Islam and yes, they need support, protection and help. But there are Palestine Christians and Jews who are affected too.

My point? This isn’t a Muslim issue, it’s a humanitarian issue. It’s not really a religious war, it’s a land war… One group trying to push out another group via political intimidation, bullying and war. It’s about politics, power and money,” he urged.

Harith also said that instead of taking out our anger towards random Jewish people (and brands owned by Jewish people), we should instead point our anger towards Zionists and their powerful political allies.

He ends the video by stating that, “the sooner we focus on the fact that it is atrocities against human beings, the sooner we will be able to get like-minded nations, the powerful ones, influential ones, to wield their influence and put pressure on the Zionist government to stop the killing”.

You can watch the full video, here:

Harith Iskandar’s view is supported by many. In fact, Palestinians themselves have also urged others to not be anti-semitic as it can hurt their cause. Take a look:

(source: Twitter)
(source: Instagram)
(source: Instagram)

Is there someone you know who is still yapping on about this being a religious war? This infographic got’chu… keep sliding right:

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