Hannah Yeoh To Lodge Police Report Following Destruction Of Her Campaign Materials Across TTDI

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In light of the upcoming general election, members of the public have resorted to several forms of obstructive behaviour as a means to protest against parties they are not in support of.

A recent case saw Segambut Pakatan Harapan candidate Hannah Yeoh‘s campaign materials mercilessly destroyed. She stated that some of her billboards had been damaged, PH flags had been removed, and banners had been cut.

Hannah mentioned that she will be filing a police report with regards to the matter. She also called on TTDI residents who have CCTVs installed at the affected locations to share the recordings with her.

“Residents of Taman Tun Dr Ismail informed me this morning that the Harapan flag was pulled out, my banner was cut & my billboard was destroyed in several locations across TTDI. Sad, because I’m not a rich person. Political games are dirty and disgusting. Compete cleanly pls,” she said on Twitter.

In response to the matter, netizens have advised Hannah to stay strong. Some even noted that the act was “a sign that they are scared”, and proof that her party is “already winning.”

Others left comments with the words “Hentikan Politik Samseng” (Stop thuggish politicking), a phrase that was coined following disruptions which took place during Muda president Syed Saddiq’s speech at Ceramah Mega Muar.

It was reported that a group of youngsters were revving their motorbikes loudly and shouting “penipu” (liar) at the former youth and sports minister during his speech. The crowd, in response, allegedly shouted back at the gang, asking them to go home.

“They use this strategy when they are unable to counteract us with stronger arguments. If they assume they can stop us with their bikes, they are mistaken. We will fight back via debate if they attempt to intimidate us,” Syed Saddiq said at the time, adding that this is the true spirit of Muar children.


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