Hanger AW11 ‘Hangerween’ Party @ Luna Bar

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We’re always finding excuses to play dress up at Hanger parties and this time around we took full advantage of the Halloween weekend to welcome the arrival of Hanger’s brand new Autumn/Winter 2011 issue! It was time to go crazy with endless possibilities. Even though Luna Bar was quite humid, it really didn’t bother our fashion forward fans and friends of Hanger who came decked top to toe in their Hangerween best.

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The free flow of Absolut ‘Toxicolada’ and ‘Blood Bath’ cocktails began at 8pm just as our hosts for the night, Arnold “Rachel Barry” Loh and “hipster douche” Jules, kicked things off by introducing “Steve Jobs” Ruud of Deer Society inside Luna Bar’s DJ console (or as we like to call it, the space pod). Rudd started his set with Sublime’s ‘Santeria’. No, we don’t practice Santeria or own a crystal ball as well. And ’cause of that, we decided to keep things simple, without a fashion show or contests so that the highlight of the party – you and your fashionably creative costumes – would be the stars of the night!

As the moon became full, everybody was busy parading around the venue showing off their unique costumes. We spotted among others – 4 cats, a Homer Simpson, Kyoto Protocol as the Village People, Monoloque as (we’re stabbing in the dark here) Hang Tuah with traditional headgear, fashion photographer Idan as Daphne Guinness, Nini Ramlan as Erykah Badu, a (literally) bloody chef, a Black Swan, Helena Bonham Carter and even someone dressed as Maggi Abang Saufi! If we had to pick winners that night, it would have to go to photographer Vincent Paul Young dressed as “Kermit in a Supreme tee, as shot by Terry Richardson” and his group of friends who came as a Buddhist deity, the Monkey God and a Chinese ghost bride.

After Ruud’s indie dance set, former JUICE Ed, Kevin “Arnold Loh” Yeoh took over the space pod with his hip hop and rnb tunes. True to Hanger’s word, the party was short and sweet ending at 10pm so that we could continue on with our Halloween bar-hopping. There were plenty of Halloween parties out there that night, waiting for us to show ourselves off! Needless to say, we painted the town red.

Here’s to Hanger! 5 issues and 2 and half years on and our little sister is all grown up, ready to take a big bite out of the jugular of the fashion scene…

Hanger AW11 Hangerween Party was held at Luna Bar on Saturday 29 October 2011. Hanger AW11 is available at all major book stores and newsstands. Get your copy now or we’ll haunt you next Halloween. For more pix, check out our Gallery


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