Gov’t Confirms: Elite Green-Police Force That Will Protect Malaysia’s Environment Starts in October

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According to Berita Harian, Environment and Water Resources Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has announced that the formation of a dedicated force will be tasked to investigate and solve environmental-related crimes.

Compromising of the Department of Environment (DOE), Water Services Commission (SPAN), Biosafety Department and the police, this task force will boost speed and effectiveness in the action against those who commit crimes against the environment. It will also be in operation as early as October as the government shows its seriousness to act against environmental perpetrators.

At the same time, police will be given the authority to take immediate action towards environmental criminals.

“This [the task force], along with amendments to the Environmental Quality Act, will ensure that those who commit crimes against the environment will pay dearly”, Ibrahim told a press conference today.

Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (source: Sinar Harian)

He said the task force is one of the many solutions in dealing with pollution incidents, which must be tackled holistically and in a proactive manner.

He also mentioned that the police would now be given the power to act using the Environmental Quality Act and Water Services Industry Act against offenders as compared to what police have been doing now, which is using the Biosafety Act.

He even said the task force is one of the many solutions in dealing with pollution incidents, which must be tackled holistically and in a proactive manner.

Globally, crime against the environment is the fourth highest organised crime after drugs, money laundering and human trafficking.

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