Fur-Free Urban Outfitters

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Back in December 2008, PETA asked everyone to write in to Urban Outfitters asking them to stop selling fur. While many pooh-poohed PETA’s efforts to make this change, it’s the organisation that got the last laugh. It paid off!

When PETA found out Urban Outfitters was selling fur-trimmed items, they wrote to the company to pull those items off the shelves and adopt a fur-free policy. When Urban Outfitters didn’t respond, PETA countered the brand’s silence by issuing a call urging people to write to the company to go fur-free. After 4000 emails, Urban Outfitters heard the people and acted on it. A representative from Urban Outfitters wrote in to PETA, “There is no fur in our stores, and this will continue to be the case.” Sweet!

Now, PETA is on strike for Armani to stop butchering innocent little bunnies. You can do your part too by writing to Armani here. Because we all love bunnies. And we’re all in this together! Now we can shop at Urban Outfitters without feeling guilty. Yay!

Head over to www.urbanoutfitters.com for fur-free clothes!

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