Flop Poppy Down Under

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No, the title of this blog post is not meant to invoke any fuzzy feelings down “there”, but rather to inform you that local veteran indie band Flop Poppy will be performing in Australia soon.

Once again, restless Malaysian students abroard are doing good by organising a charity event called With Love, Down Under. The event will take place on 11 July 2009 at University of New South Wales in Sydney. With Love, Down Under aims to raise funds to sponsor and assist orphanage organisation Pertubuhan Penyayang Raudhah.  Visitors can expect a night of music featuring Malaysian bands, designers and traders from across Australia. And of course, there’ll be lots of Malaysian food since that’s what most of us miss while abroad, apart from our families that is.

Thanks to AirAsia X, Flop Poppy will be joinning the line-up of performers. One of the most successful otai bands in Malaysia, they started way back in 1989 with Radhi from OAG on vocals. Since then, Andy, Cha’a, Megat, Ijam and Mie have released 4 albums and are looking forward to releasing their 5th LP this August 1.

With Love, Down Under will be organising Flop Poppy’s side shows around Sydney in an additional effort to promote local talent internationally. “We are very excited to participate in doing charity abroad and can’t wait to play our music in another country. I think that it will be a great chance for Flop Poppy to represent Malaysian artists to show our ability in the music scene”, said Flop Poppy’s lead singer Andy. Good on ya mate!

For more on With Love, Down Under checkout withlovedownunder.wordpress.com

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