Eclectic Botz

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If robots took over the world, would we all be dancing to EDM? Well, if the robots in question happens to be Eclectic Botz… DJ Jonvu and MicHoh make up Eclectic Botz and like their name, they take influences across all styles of music from rock ‘n’ roll to indie all the way to left-field electro, nu rave and house. You might be asking: With so many styles, how do they keep it in check? Well, as Jonvu puts it, “At the end, we just want to have a good time with our friends, fans and the crowd.”

The boys met during their time spent at the Royale DJ Academy under the guidance Bryan Burger. As faith would have it, guitarist-turned-DJ Mic suggested that they form a side project and thus, Eclectic Botz were born, or shall we say constructed. Since then, both DJs have been building their profiles by spinning at clubs such as Zouk, Maison, Blue Note, Raw and Blanc and at events like Chemistry and Eight of Clubs. There’s a definite JUICE connection in there though. MicHoh swept the title of the Pioneer Digital DJ Battle in 2007 after coming in 2nd in 2005 and 2006. Jonvu, on the other deck, was a JUICE DJ Quest and Pioneer Digital DJ Battle finalist last year.

“We will do anything to improve the scene even if we are required to spin with only our underwear and socks!” chirps Jonvu whose idea of a dream gig would be his own outdoor rave festival. When asked if they were real robots, what they would run on, Jonvu answered: “Let’s save energy resources for the humans. As long as we keep the music spinning, the crowd will be cheering and the girls will be throwing their thongs and bikinis at us, we shall survive.”

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