drama mama charity auction

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A little birdie told us that Drama Mama will be auctioning off four handmade dressed on eBay where the proceeds will go directly to charity. And what charity pray tell deserves such an exclusive auction? Well, there’s a very brave woman out there who needs all the help we can give. Yvonne Foong was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and has suffered sudden health deteriorations that robbed her of her bodily functions, becoming deaf and has difficulty balancing. To date, Yvonne has undergone one spine and three brain surgeries.

Just recently, a cluster of tumours were newly discovered inhibiting her right optic nerve. Doctors tested her eyes and concluded that they could not do anything about it. But she’s determined to save her eyesight, and will be seeing a US specialist in May.

So, if you want to help this girl who is in serious need of some cash to save her life (makes our whining about hiked up petrol and parking prices seem so petty, doesn’t it?) please do check out the auction on eBay and bid bid bid! Overseas visitors to our blog will be pleased to know that Drama Mama has even agreed to ship the dress anywhere in the world.


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