Download The New Radiohead Album!

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True to the unconventional Radiohead form, on Valentines day, they announced a new album to be released just 5 days later, then released it 4 days later with a video and single at the same time. Never one to stick the status quo, were you, Thom?

The King Of Limbs is not without its conspiracies, fitting as Radiohead has never been one for straight forward, music or otherwise. Many are speculating that this could be the first part of 2 , possibly 3 albums. As the last track called ‘Separator’ (get it?) holds the lyrics “If you think it’s over, then you’re wrong”.  No one knows anything for sure, all we can do is go buy the album and enjoy! Check out the single ‘Lotus Flower’ below.


Go buy the new Radiohead album here! Keep up with all the Radiohead conspiracies at their website.

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