Doodling Can Get You Somewhere; Announcing Red Bull Doodle Art Competition Winners

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Red Bull Doodle Art

Doodling is what we regular folks do when our minds are on idle mode, but for the thirty top Doodle Art chosen from ten universities in KL, they have taken the unassumingly quaint art form to another level. Displayed for the public at The Bee, Publika, the monochromatic doodles were all incredibly intricate, showing plenty of technique and patience spent. Revered local artist, Fritilldea, had the near impossible task of selecting the winner. In the end, the doodle of Syed Wasifuddin Hyder ultimately won the coveted spot as he successfully showcased “the identity of the piece and the originality and freedom that can be seen in the strokes” through his abstraction. Also exhibiting rampant imagination and spontaneity were second runner up Lau Wai Hong and first runner up Muhamad Hanafi Ghazali. Apart from the bragging rights of being the Red Bull Doodle Art champion, Hyder will also be representing Malaysia on an all expense paid trip to Cape Town for the World Finals!

Who would have thunk that putting pen to paper could’ve resulted with such masterpieces?

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