Diana F+ Honeycomb Edition

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Capture some sweet memories with this equally luscious iconic Diana F+ medium format camera.

This special clone edition is concocted to raise awareness of the plight of the honey bee around the world. These busy bees play an important role as pollinators, generating 1/3 of the food we consume, which include honey and beeswax. Unfortunately, bee hives are slowly disappearing off the face of this world, and this poses as a problem to the ecosystem as a whole.

Clad in clean white and beige colour palettes, the Diana F+ Honeycomb Edition features a honeycomb design and a honey bee detailing. Like the class Diana F+ camera we have grown fond of over the years, it takes lovely – and some may even say more delicious in comparison – medium format photos, in sizes of 12 full-frame square shots, or 16 smaller square shots.

It’s compatible with the Diana F+ lens, in which you get to create dreamy, lo-fi images that are soft-focused with beautiful vignettes. A Diana F+ Flash is included in the Diana F+ package, and you can even play around with the unlimited multi-exposures.

For more information about the Diana F+ Honeycomb Edition, or get your own today over at shop.lomography.com

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