Degrade in 60

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Check out this environmentally friendly bag designed by Katarzyna Okinczyc and Remiguisz Truchanowicz. These 60 Bags are Polish biodegradable carrier bags made of flax-viscose non-woven fabric. The flax-viscose fabric used for the bag is produced with flax fiber industrial waste.

The 60 Bags naturally decompose in about 60 days (hence the name) after being discarded by the user. It can be composted or safely burnt which means they don’t have to undergo the recycling process. They are the eco-answer to polypropylene made “green bags” and to thick plastic bags given away by most clothing retailers. Sweet!

60 Bags are available in different shapes and sizes to fit customer’s needs. You can even customise the sizes and styles according to your preference. The bag got an honourable mention in Green Dot Awards in January 2009. Use biodegradable products. Save the earth and look good doing it too.


Visit to find out more about the genius biodegradable carrier bags.

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