Day One In Hong Kong

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Believe it or not, this is my furthest trip ever. Hong Kong, you have won that significance. I was pretty gungho over boarding Cathay Pacific Airlines for the first time too, but was slap around with a trout because it wasn’t as grand as I imagined it to be. It was crowded, some flight attendance were not friendly, as if they were wearing a frown on their face. Food wasn’t that spectacular, but decent enough to win ‘best airlines food so far according to Kevin Yeoh’- I chose the rice and fish set. I wasn’t sure how to order alcohol, so I just let it be. Would have been a much pleasant trip if I had some wine, but I was feeling a bit hot, so beer would be nice too. Ok, that wasn’t a very exciting story…


Upon arrival at the Hong Kong airport, I managed to see someone hacked into one of the signs. Very intriguing…

I wasn’t as excited as I should be in the shuttle making our way to the Sheraton Hotel in Kowloon City because I guess I have this image running through my head over the years of watching Hong Kong TV series with my family. Was super impressed with how the structures of HK looked so alike the Lego set, though. When we got to the hotel, which is situated right opposite the luxurious Peninsula Hotel, I checked into floor 11th.

We took a walk around our area to Harbour City where we had an overload of food for tea-time at Canton Deli. Yummy food though.

After having too much food, my roomie and I decided to go back to the hotel, instead of shopping. As we walk around, we noticed how fashion forward HK people are and how funky their shops are. Oh, and how accessible porn and gay magazines are available (I saw Gay Times in HMV!); that, or I am just a plain ol’ noob.

Got back to the hotel and checked out the places there. Fitness First is in Sheraton HK. Not bad… Checked out the surprisingly small pool… Decided to have the famous martinis at Morton’s of Chicago, so we went with dirty martinis and chocolate martini. Trust me, they don’t skim on alcohol. No. At happy hours from 5pm to 7pm, orders of martinis come with a good serving of fillet mignon sandwiches. They are yums… Hello Morton’s! Highly recommended.


We got happily nearly-plastered, we took a break for the night in the hotel room watching telly (which you can actually pay for adult movies, oo-er) and did some Check me out here! Yes, I’m addicted!

OK, long day ahead on Day 2. The day we party with Chivas and I meet one of the most respected rappers with the initials PM.


Holla atcha latahz!

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