Dance Your Pants Off at Massive 2011 @ Sepang International Circuit

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Come 1 October, there will be the biggest and most anticipated dance event of the year – Massive 2011! Bringing Malaysia’s dance music scene to new heights, Massive is a collaborative effort between Atrium Entertainment and Music Conference Asia (M.C. Asia). It is going to be a one of a kind event featuring some of the world’s top DJs, Malaysia’s best dance music icons, a carnival fiesta and even a music workshop by M.C. Asia.

You better get your shufflin’ on because Massive will see some of the dance music scene’s who’s who such as the likes of Simon Patterson, Marcel Woods, Alex M.O.R.P.H & Woody Van Eyden, MaRLo, and Scott Alert. But let’s not forget about local superstars such as Trimix, Fono, misterAriffin and DJ Nikki. For as long as 12 hours, these guys will be behind the decks dishing out the best of what they got.

In collaboration with M.C. Asia, the music workshop aims to provide exciting opportunity for music enthusiasts and participants a chance to learn about their share passion of dance music.

There’s a Shuffling content held in conjunction with Massive. Show everyone what cha got and stand a chance to win RM3,000 here.

At the same time, we are giving away 20 VIP tickets. So quickly join the contest here!

For more information of the events and tickets, go here.

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