Chris Brown in Hot Soup Again!

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All is not well in Chris Brown’s world again, just months after the whole Rihanna ordeal, a photographer has filed a suit against Chris Brown stating that he was beaten up by the singer’s bodyguards as he tried to take snaps of him pumping iron in the gym. Robert Rosen is seeking damages for assault, battery, intentional harm, emotional distress and negligence – and that’s just in a single encounter.

According to reports made yesterday, Rosen tumbled down a flight of stairs as he tried fleeing from Brown’s bodyguards and was assaulted soon after. In fact, a gym employee even refused to let him leave when they caught him photographing Brown (maybe people don’t like their pictures taken when they’re sweating and stuff).

Brown stated his innocence in the case and his attorney Mark Geragos quoted “this is a specious and frivolous lawsuit by one of the paparazzi seeking publicity and payday. He’s done this before and lost. We will vigorously defend against it.” Geragos was referring to the 2007 suit against Pierce Brosnan that was filed by Rosen. The case was later dismissed.

Brown, 19, also faces 2 felony counts of assault against Rihanna, 23, and making criminal threats that occurred in February. Next month, Chris’ hearing will start and it has been said that Rihanna has cleared her schedule to testify. It is unclear if the 2 are still dating, so the outcome may be very interesting.

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