Chivas Live with Chivalry @ Euphoria

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Whatever happened to chivalry? You know, the code which noble knights used to live by that became the blueprint for the modern gentleman? Well, it might be the 21st century, but Chivas Regal is bringing back the timeless values of those brave souls.

Live With Chivalry, Chivas Regal’s global advertising campaign was launched recently with a glitzy party headlined by DJ Seb Fontaine at Euphoria by Ministry of Sound. The party was themed around the ‘modern knight,’ bringing back values of honour, loyalty, gallantry and brotherhood – to aspire to ideals higher than oneself.

And being the noblemen (and women) that we are, JUICE arrived promptly sans shining armour. Outside Euphoria, we spotted majestic stallions which guests propped themselves on for photo ops. We knew immediately that Chivas spared no cost (or thought – Ed) to throw this royal party, and the multitude of guests lining up to enter the venue was proof of the pay-off.

As the party headed underway, with Joey G hotting up the stage as emcee, Lapsap beat-tweaker DJ Blink took the decks and was joined on stage by Frequency Cannon’s guitarist Yuri Wong. The DJ-guitarist combo set the tone for the night. Lending visual stimuli to their sound weregrinders that shocked and awed the crowd with sparks flying off their armoured body plates.

The free flow of Chivas certainly helped with the merrymaking. We were too engrossed in our fine Scottish whisky to notice that someone was hanging from the sky. Rushing to get a better look, it turned out to be another surprise from Chivas in the form of a birdman that glided down from the ceiling to the dance floor.

With the grinders and birdmen taking a break, DJ Didjital from Bass Agents strutted to the decks and shook the dance floor with a courageous blend of house and drum ‘n’ bass. MOS House DJ Victor G and Dennis Lau picked up where Didjital left off and spun the beats to a trancier side.

But the highlight of the night had to be the man himself, DJ Seb Fontaine. The mighty Cream resident DJ, proved to be more of a smooth trance setter than a nasty beat jerker. With lush synths and vocals wavering over minimal beats and groovy basslines, Fontaine capped the night off appropriately. Chivalry never sounded so good!

Live with Chivalry was held on 6 March at Euphoria by Ministry of Sound. See more Live with Chivalry piccies here.

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