8-4 Jalan Batai
Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur
T: 03 2095 3391
Where everybody knows your name….
Like the TV show, Cheers, tucked away in the recesses of Jalan Batai’s double block of neighbourhood shophouses is something of a local watering hole. Neither trendy, nor try-hard, this reliable boozer attracts an older (30+) crowd of professionals, locals and expatriates who are never with an empty glass in hand. For the area, the beer is sensitive to the sad state of today’s wallet and the food is budget-conscious too. If a decent drink with good food and an easy-going crowd of regulars in a relaxed setting puts a spark in your smile then this is your kind of magic.
Text Veena Sidhu
Images Wan Muhammad Atif
Clientele Young to middle-aged professionals and Jalan Batai neighbours.
Music policy A live band puts in a tour of duty on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Drinks Given its location, our wallets were expecting the worst, yet the beer is surprisingly within reach.
Happy Hour Mon-Sat: Opening until 9pm; all day Sunday. Tiger and Anchor at RM9/mug, Kilkenny at RM16.50/pint and Guinness at RM21/pint.
Eats Mixing up local and western, dishes are tasty and affordable. Regulars rave about the lamb burger, a patty seasoned with paprika and stacked with caramelized onions (RM15).
Door policy None.
Dress code Cheers doesn’t judge.
Open Mon-Fri: 12nn-2am; Sat & Sun: 5pm-2am.
Parking Outdoor carpark within the vicinity of the Jalan Batai shoplots.