Be A Stand-Up Citizen And Take Part In Malaysia’s First Ever McD Elections

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source: GIPHY

Attention all McD lovers! It’s time for y’all to make your voices heard and lead your favourite product to victory!

McDonald’s is currently having their first-ever McD Elections, in which the Top 3 McD products are battling it out to claim that coveted #1 spot

source: SAYS

It’s all up to you which one comes out on top! Your votes are the only thing that will help these iconic favourites get ahead in this heated battle to be McDonald’s Malaysia’s #1 menu item.

But why should you bother voting? Well, each contender comes with their own campaign promises and benefits for all Malaysians, just like in any real election, and you’re definitely not gonna want to miss out on the amazing promos they’re promising to deliver!

Meet the candidates who are vying for your votes:

1. With over 35 years of experience being on McD’s menu, the iconic McChicken is definitely a strong contender

Despite new additions and limited edition items over the years, the McChicken has continued to dominate the menu and remains a go-to favourite for Malaysians.

He aims to keep his reign going by promising the following things if he wins:
– Immediately reducing the price of the McChicken Set Meal to RM8.99
– Introducing an amazing 2x McChicken for RM5 deal for an entire week throughout Malaysia

McChicken has always been the champion of Value-For-Money at McD. So his strategy for victory involves lowering his price to give Malaysians more incentive to vote for him.

2. Tired of chicken always dominating the menu, the Double Cheeseburger is trying to bring beef into the spotlight and spark a change at McD

In any election, the candidate that truly listens to the voice of the people and delivers exactly what they want will always have an edge over the others. That’s exactly the approach the Double Cheeseburger is taking, showing that he’s indeed worthy of winning.

To prove his resolve, he’s already granted a wish that Malaysians have been clamouring for on social media – bringing back his ever popular big brother, the Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

If he wins, he will also:
– Make the Quarter Pounder with Cheese a permanent item on the menu
– Give all Malaysians a 50% discount on Double Cheeseburgers

3. Ayam Goreng McD may be a new kid on the block, but she’s not one to be underestimated

While she’s always been part of the McD menu, she only rose to fame and became part of the Top 3 in 2017. But what a glorious rise to fame it was, she was so popular with Malaysians that just couldn’t get enough of her, to the point she even sold out for a bit!

Her aim is to bring new era to McDonald’s and replace burgers as the #1 product. To achieve this, she wants to show that she understands Malaysians, particularly our struggle with how expensive everything is becoming.

If she wins the election, she promises to:
– Lower the price of the Ayam Goreng McD Set Meal to RM13.99
– Introduce a crazy Buy 1 Free 1 deal for all Malaysians

So what are you waiting for? Cast your votes for your favourite candidate today to enjoy what they’ve promised!

All you have to do is buy whichever candidate you want to vote for.

1 buy will count as 1 Tummy Vote. Every Tummy Vote counts so cast as many as you can between 13 – 26 June 2019 by ordering your favourite candidate at the front counter, drive-thru, or even via McDelivery.

Who will win the McD Elections 2019? We’ll find out on 27 June 2019 so keep voting and may the best candidate come out on top!

source: McDonald’s Malaysia

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This story was originally published on SAYS.

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