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Heard of Banksy before? He is a world renown British graffiti artist. He has become a sort of media icon for his artwork which is worth a lot of money though that is not the reason Banksy does his art or why he is famous. The reason why his art is famous is because of its rebelious nature as its mostly if not always about ridiculing about politics, culture and ethics as he finds them hypocritical.

We know how much bullsh!t there is going on about these topics and so does Banksy and he really takes it to heart when he see’s something wrong and cant help but express himself in the only way he knows.He is a real activist and has voiced out his distaste of how things are done many times using his art. Like his most recent work when the summit was unable to agree to a leagally binding treaty in Copenhagen. He spray painted the words “I Dont Believe In Global Warming” in red capitals on a wall beside Regent’s canal in Camben, North London with the words disappearing below the water. The simple yet powerful meanings behind his art is what drives us to love this man even though he may be hated my politicians.

His stencil street paintings are scattered throughout many cities and much of his work is being taken as expensive pieces of art. There have been many times when art auctioners literally sold his art on location and then leave the problem of moving the art to the winning bidders. Wonder how these guys find space in their homes for new walls.

Anyway as you can see Graffiti is so much then just vandalising so for those of you out there. Use it in a manner where people can appreciate your stuff rather then making our walls and streets looke like rubbish.

For more info on what he did visit If want to see what his art is like then check out

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