After 18,000km, Russian Punk Crew stops at Findars this Xmas

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3 months and 18000 km ago, a Russian punk band, a cinematographer, and an artist embarked on crazy, crowd-sourced-funded journey from Moscow to Bali. As all good lads do before a roadtrip, they nicknamed their operation/trip Expedition Voskhod, and with two Gaz-24 Volgas, they have reached Kuala Lumpur and will be stopping at Findars this Xmas to give a Talk about their experiences of travelling (fuelled by crowdsourcing) and a performance.


To fund this trip, the guys launched their own brand of clothing, which keeps developing as the Expedition makes progress. Voskhod’s website is also a crowdfunding platform – each garment bought on there adds km’s in the Expedition’s gas tank, and it also gives you a chance to get on board along the way. There is going to be a contest for the Voskhod’s web-site users and its social media subscribers, allowing three lucky winners to get on board of the good old Volga for a week of adventure somewhere in Thailand, Malaysia Indonesia or meet the guys at the final live gig in Bali.

“We strive to play as many gigs as possible along the way and make a documentary about people like us: indie musicians, artists, poets, tattooers and heroes of local South-East Asian artistic scene. We’ve picked a very challenging itinerary. Each km of road is a sign of people’s support. Our adventure will be filled with live gigs, creative collaborations, exciting encounters, and interviews,” said Ilya, the leader and mastermind of this project.

Expedition Voskhod is reaching the end of their 24,000km goal. Checkout the Talk and Gig at Findars today. Details here.

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