Ad Bangers

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What do you get when you put 2 party hardy ad men together on the decks? The answer is the local advertising industry’s own club night and DJ duo extraordinaire – Ad Bangers. Consisting of Blink from Lapsap and Hoong (aka Didjital) from Bass Agents, Ad Bangers is a play on the infamous French electronic label Ed Banger Records. Self-proclaimed “Advertising peons”, Blink and Hoong hooked up back in ’99 through similar interests in music. Ad Bangers kicked off last year when Barsonic was looking for content.

“The idea was simple, to gather as many people from the industry as possible for a good night out,” says Hoong, a Graphic Designer from McCann Erikson. “I would say depending on their workload, the more work they have, the crazier they get!”. That’s how Ad Bangers club night OMFG! was born. Held every alternate Saturday, advertising folks and regular patrons alike getthe chance to mingle and party at OMFG! In Barsonic.

In terms of styles, Blink is more indie, nu rave and fidget whereas Hoong favours housier harder bassline and funk. But they come together to blend a sound that you won’t hear anywhere else as Hoong puts it. “Honestly, we don’t practice. Every time we get up there, we know what we want and our flow just blends in well. Maybe because we know each other well enough.”

Tweaking their creative juices, Ad Bangers came up with a series of advertisements for their own branding. “Also, we’re getting different agencies to create a flyer for us every month,” adds Hoong who claims “a blardy long cold shower and a decent cup of coffee” is his cure to a bad hangover. And if that’s true, then that’s certainly an advantage for the ad man cum DJ.

Join Ad Bangers on Facebook at Ad Bangers take hold of Barsonic every alternate Saturday with OMFG!

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