A Life Less Miniature

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Ever felt like your life is just a minute existence in an otherwise grand scheme? For Sydney-based photographer and filmmaker Keith Loutit, beauty is in the details. A master of tilt-shift and time-lapse photographic techniques, Keith was able to create the illusion of miniaturisation in this series of commercials released by production house supremo Partizan.

The techniques can make large ships bob like toys in a bathtub or crowds at the beach march like ants in a colony. Though it looks animated, the commercials were shot in ordinary places with real people. Each short film combines thousands of digital still images. Keith says: “My goal with this work is to transform well known locations and daily life to help people see their world in a new light.” Now that’s a big goal for a small video.

Watch them at www.partizan.com/partizan/commercials/?keith_loutit and join Keith on Vimeo at vimeo.com/keithloutit.


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