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source: Mushroom Buttons

If the first instalment of HOAX weren’t enough to satiate those cravings for something a little different than the usual clubby vibes in KL, then lo and behold, the gig is back. And this time, the event is taken to the skies as the wild shindig will be held at Tetto Lounge, the swanky rooftop spot that we featured a few months ago. With an extensive lineup featuring the return of Mushroom Buttons and i-Sky, back-to-back sets by KOPIGO/Moslem Priest and Aliuddin/Alpha Draconis respectively, and fresh faces Reddi Rocket, Dai-Kan, Afaro, and Harris Lemm, the dancefloor at Tetto will be filled with crazy bass-y jams and genres you won’t be hearing elsewhere in Changkat.

Date Saturday 13 September ’14
Time 9pm
Venue Tetto Lounge
Cover RM20

More information here.

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