Win a Pair of Passes to E! Pres. Jay Park Private Showcase

Jay Park has stomped his mark in the industry and is wildly recognized for his virtuoso talent in singing, rapping, dancing, and even acting (as all k-pop stars are wont to). Initially rising to fame as the leader of the South Korean boy band, 2PM, he has since broke out of that phase and went multi-platinum, taking online media by a storm. And now to encourage the fandom even further — and maybe boost our traffic in the process — JUICE is presenting fans with exclusive access to Jay Park’s private showcase as he makes his way down to Kuala Lumpur courtesy of E!.
E! Pres. Jay Park Private Showcase
Date Sunday 24 November ’13
Time 7pm
Venue Zouk Club, KL
JUICE‘s got 15 pairs of passes up for grabs. To win a pair, answer the below:
Q: 1. What is Jay Park’s full name?
2. When and where is Jay Park’s E! News Asia Special premiering in Malaysia?
Winners will be able to collect their passes at the media registration table by the entrance of Zouk. Send your answers by 12pm Friday 22 November 2013 along with your full name, IC and handphone number with the subject ‘Jay Park Private Showcase’ to [email protected]. Winners will be notified immediately via phone and e-mail.