Flica Travels
Our favourite minimalistic boy, Flica will be jet-setting by the end of the month from Macau to Hong Kong. First stop will be at Macau with Aspidistrafly, with Evade as supporting act on their 29 March gig at Ox-Warehouse. After that, Flica and Aspidistrafly are off to Hong Kong to perform at Videotage on 2 April. This JUICE Cool Lister is going places with his new release of Nocturnal released under Schole.
On updates in KL, Flica will be performing on 17 May for the biggest Dong Tai Du event to date. There will be 17 bands and 8 electronica artists from Indonesia, China and of course, Malaysia. About 40 indie clothing stores will be seen, as well as fashion shows, film screenings and a whole lot more. To be held at the Chinese Assembly Hall from 12pm to 8pm, you know this will be an event you don’t wanna miss. Click here for more information.
Go say hi to him at www.myspace.com/flicasound.