Fugazi’s Online Moshpit

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Every time I see an emo goth kid in Malaysia, wearing mascara and unpractical clothing, I feel like walking straight up to the wimp and giving a slap across his or her vacant, twilight face. That’s because today’s emo screamo bands irk me out worst than whinny swines before the slaughter. If only they knew about real hardcore, sXe and listened to bands like Fugazi.

Well, now they can get acquainted with the legendary band and practically watch “almost every show” they ever played, from 1987 to 2002. “We are not that far away from being able to set up our own website where ultimately almost every show we ever played will be available for download,” guitarist Guy Picciotto recently told fansite World of Fugazi (via Twentyfourbit).

While the world marvels at pigeons crapping on the Kings Of Leon, this more hardworking, definitely DIY band have been ripping through their shows from past decades which includes performances from New York, Hong Kong, London and Malaysia. According to Guy, Dischord Records is still busy converting the stack of bootlegs to a digital format and preparing the “infrastructure” of the project website. The recordings will probably be released a few at a time, beginning later this year.

Although they are currently on hiatus, this could mean that a Fugazi reunion is in sight. Despite not playing for 8 years, the band have never officially broken up. Guy has kept himself busy over the past two years, working with the late Vic Chesnutt.

Time is what you make of it. Now, put away your fake fangs and go watch something worthwhile like the youtube below.


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