Grand Launch @ Milk
Yet another posh new club threw open its doors officially last week. And it was none other than the mystically mixed up Milk. Neighbours with Mist Club and under the same management, JUICE was expecting some surprises. But as it turns out, Milk is like Mist’s elegant but naughty little sister.
Image Fotoworx
In terms of music, it isn’t quite as adventurous. The combo of resident DJs Alex and Ray Rox (A-Rox) spun crowd pleasers throughout the night which weighed heavily on the commercial r&b. And although they were hyped to be an audio-visual act to look out for, we saw little more than music videos playing on the screens. Yes, we know it’s something called a DVJ – the music videos become all trippy with effects that are in synch with what the DJs does to the tracks – but if you don’t have some oiled up skills it can get boring and look like any other music vid after awhile.
Still the interior was something unexpected. Almost solely red and white, the whole place looked like a Michel Gondry-White Stripes music video – striking, lively and totally overwhelming in a nonsensical way. Several LCD screens hung from the main central pillar. But as mentioned earlier, they offered very little to look at; you’re better off observing the girl at the next table and slowly building your Dutch confidence.
And so the night went on with drinks, music and lots of happy people – bonus points for have exceptionally good service on opening night! Milk is smaller than Mist and only has one level. So it’s very easy to get comfy and have a drink with the people next to you, but not so spacious if you want to dance. But hey, they don’t play that shufflin’ sh!t here anyway so that won’t be a problem, would it?
Milk’s Grand Launch went down on Thursday 22 April 2010. Got Milk? Checkout our gallery.