Heineken Green Space served by Wheel Love @ Subang
As the old saying goes “where there’s a wheel there’s a freshly opened crate of Heineken.” Or something like that. Well this was the mean streets of SS15, Subang Jaya and people here don’t have time for old sayings. Not when they’ve got a smoking fixies in between their legs.Street sports shop Wheel Love recently became the latest participant of Heineken Green Space. Throwing their wheel-themed party, riders from all over town came to the shop for an evening of stunts, drinks and street-chilling.
Before the event started, graffiti artist Shieko did a piece on shop’s wall of a green masked character on a bike (a female version of Satria Baja Hitam?). She was joined later by a visiting graffiti artist from San Francisco named Orly Locquiao who continued to cover the walls with his work well into the night.
As anyone who’s into street-sports would tell you, it’s all about the stunts. That’s where you show your flair. However, only one stunt competition was held which was the Track Stand – whereby riders try to stand on one wheel for the longest duration they can. The Wheelie competition was called off because not enough riders were able to pull off that stunt. Nevertheless winners from the Track Stand got what they deserved – Dia Compe parts for their bikes.
As the crowd picked up later in the night, music was served fresh by DJ AN who mixed it up with some hip hop, rap, rock and dance. Then there was the Malaysian premier of Kareem Sehab’s Death Pedal 2. As a clear sign of love for fixed gear bikes, the crowd of over 100 cramped into the small shop to watch the half hour film.
After that, it was more drinking and chilling. It was cool to see so many riders come together for this party. About 10 years ago, something like this wouldn’t have been possible, but of course times have changed and (to correct the old saying) “where there’s Wheel Love, there’s a way.”
Heineken Green Space served by Wheel Love went down on Saturday 13 March 2010. Checkout our gallery and click here for more Wheel Love.
Images Shieko