Silent Keat: Waking The Neighbours
Silent Keat (real name Tan Boon Chek) is a solo electronic artist who, much like JUICE Coolister Flica, prefers to speak through his music. But what sets Silent Keat apart from his ambient counterpart are his rock roots.
Before he entered the “soft side”, Silent Keat used to be in a Chinese nu-metal band called Silent Prayer. A visit to his myspace reveals that his aggressive side was borne in his later incarnation as a solo artist. In ‘Jam’, he lays down some funky Canto rap rhythms that scream ku wak chai all over the place! His time spent studying Fine Art in the Malaysian Institute of Art has also contributed to his artistic evolution.
Right now, Silent Keat is entering into phase 3 of his musical odyssey which is more instrumental and soundtrack in nature, best exemplified on the flute and strings driven ‘New Cloths of the King’. If you haven’t heard him yet, check out his double disc debut Own Secret Time which documents his previous dance-oriented beats as well as his current instrumental aspirations.
Tip toe over to and cup your ears to Silent Keat’s ‘New Cloths of the King’ before you get all gangsta with ‘Jam’ (Pabaguku Sound).