Local Patients Want To Be Separated From Foreigners At Penang Covid-19 Centre, Saying There’s A Clash Of Cultures

Citing that there is a “clash of cultures”, family members of Covid-19 patients are unhappy that locals and foreign workers are not separated at the low-risk quarantine centre at Balik Pulau sports complex.
Talking to The Vibes, former Pulau Betong assemblyman Datuk Muhammed Farid Saad said residents voiced out their objections when the centre was being set up, but it had to be done.
The facility was assigned to house low-risk foreign workers who tested positive for Covid-19. “However, locals who are positive (for the virus) are also housed there. Now, the locals and foreigners are clashing,” said Farid.
He also said that for some, it is normal to not take a bath and live in cramped spaces, but it is not acceptable for others. The facility only has two toilets and 10 shower rooms to accommodate more than 400 patients.

Some of the Malaysian patients called their families to complain, with some saying they want to run away, but of course, they cannot do that. Farid thinks that locals and foreigners should be segregated.
Since the quarantine centre at Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang is full, nine Malaysians are housed at the Balik Pulau facility.
Speaking to The Vibes, a Malaysian patient in his 20s at the Balik Pulau facility has requested a transfer, mentioning the high number of foreign workers.
“The SOP is not observed. I have to bathe and pray with the foreigners. I have my own house where I can quarantine myself. Please get me out of here. There are currently more than 300 foreigners here.
“I don’t have to kept in this place to be healthy. After all, I don’t even have fever or any other sickness. Just that my results show that I am Covid-19 positive. When I am here, it makes me feel sick.”