Malaysian Couple Go to Extreme Lengths to Take Wedding Photos in an Active Volcano

You know the term “go big or go home”? Well, this Malaysian couple went above and beyond with that term because they’re definitely going big for their wedding.
The couple redefined the definition of amazing with their wedding photos, and people are staring at them in awe because they’re absolutely extraordinary.
With the help of photographer Keow Wee Leong, Danny Ong and Krystle Tee, a Malaysian couple, ventured into the craters of Indonesia’s Ijen volcano complex to shoot their wedding photos. The photos went viral on media platforms all around, and has jaws dropping everywhere.
You’d think it’s romantic to shoot your wedding photos under the Eiffel Tower. Imagine wearing gas masks and being surrounded by grey smoke and flames while sporting a tux and a wedding dress on a volcano that last erupted in 1999… dare you say that it’s not romantic?
Good things come to those who work for it. In this case, it took the trio three hours of hiking to get to the crater, and five hours for them to wrap up the photoshoot. #DEDICATION
Now, the flames and all that smoke may look dangerous, but the couple left the scene unharmed and in one piece, thankfully. The wedding dress however didn’t quite make it, but that’s alright, the sacrifice was definitely worth it.