Topman Muscle Fit: Tried & Tested by Aaron Chan and Joseph Lee

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Very rarely do we have retail experiences similar the storyline of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants — where the clothes we try on shape us ever so perfectly, and attend a life drawing class with Jesse Williams as the subject — but Topman is changing that with its new Muscle Fit line. Jesse Williams is not included, but we’ll live.

Topman’s Muscle Fit collection is meant to accentuate muscle shape, and is by no means alternative gym clothing — although its elasticated fabrics will tempt you to think otherwise. It’s essentially clothes for the boys who spend a lot of their time at the gym sculpting their bodies to be like Jesse Williams’ and have a tough time buying clothes that shape them well enough — or if they do, it’s not usually the most aesthetically pleasing finds. With this line, customers are guaranteed a good fit and graphic tees that don’t make you cringe.

There are a variety of pieces to choose from depending on the setting you’re dressing up for; from t-shirts, knitwear, jumpers, smart shirts, to suits. To test the comfort of the Muscle Fit pieces, we asked mountain biker Aaron Chan and Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitor Joseph Lee to stretch ‘em out.

Photography Roshan Menon

For the first look, we dressed the boys up in suits; one in burgundy and the other in a grey and black check set. The most prominent difference between this set and a regular suit is how there’s barely any constriction to the wearer. Both Aaron and Joseph commented on how they were able to move their arms and sit cross-legged despite being in a fitted suit, which is typically uncommon. Breathability is always appreciated.

Tip: For those of you who aren’t familiar with how to put a suit together or purchase one (because there are many elements to consider), Topman’s floor staff are always ready to assist with styling.

Here’s how the boys looked:

The second look was put together with a more casual setting in mind. Aaron donned a classic white shirt and jeans ensemble, while Joseph wore a navy short sleeve knit. The latter is definitely suited better for someone who isn’t trying to hide the definition of their arms whereas the white shirt gives a subtler appearance to one’s muscles.

Tip: Everyone needs a good white shirt.

Here’s how the boys looked:

Here’s a treat! With any purchase from Topman’s Muscle Fit line, customers will be given an RM50 voucher which they can redeem for other Muscle Fit items. The promotion is currently ongoing until Sunday 17 December, while the last day to utilise the voucher is Monday 25 December ’17.

Follow Topman Malaysia for more updates on its latest collections and promotions.

Follow Aaron Chan here and Joseph Lee here.

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