Bangalore-based Advertising Agency Uses the Mannequin Challenge to Fight Against Sexual Assault

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Rape culture is – unfortunately – all too familiar in Asia, especially in India. In 2013, a statistic showed that there were over 24,000 reports made by women in 2012 and almost all of these cases included the victim being assaulted by someone they knew. Despite the alarming statistical number, there hasn’t been much of an improvement for the well-being and safety of India’s female citizens. Evidence of this is reflected on the mass molestation that happened during the recent New Year’s Eve celebration in Bangalore. Over 60,000 people had gathered at Bangalore’s city centre, plus 1,500 policemen assigned to ensure everyone would be taken care of, however, said authoritative presence wasn’t strong enough to keep all the drunkards in-check.

The aftermath of this horrific incident caused an outcry on social media with many Indian citizens questioning why rape culture isn’t an issue their government takes seriously and their priority for the safety of women in India. In response, a local advertising and communication agency – AutumnWorldwide – decided to create a video campaign using the viral mannequin challenge as its concept, damningly titled ‘Don’t Be A Mannequin’. The video addresses the mass molestation and the probability of how many people stood by idly to watch what had happened as opposed to taking action.

Watch the video below:

More from AutumnWorldwide here

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