6 Tips for 10K Run Newcomers

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In the space between a 5K run and the half marathon lies the 10K run. We know running can be intimidating, but there is something magical about the 10K distance.  A distance that could help y’all build speed, strength, and endurance – and to enjoy a fun change of pace.

Whether you are walking a gentle 5K, running the 5K, or training for the 10K run, preparation is key to crossing the finish line. To experience it yourself, The Music Run™ by AIA Vitality is coming up on Saturday 4 Nov ‘17. So if you’re new to running and planning to join the event, keep these tips in mind to reach your full potential:

Get Ready!

Come on-lah, don’t wait until the morning to get ready. You don’t want to take too much and be weighted down, but you still want to be prepared for all eventualities. The plan is to pack light without sacrificing necessities. The list might include; clothing, trainers, towel and clothing for afterwards, water, snacks, plasters, muscle supports if needed, money, phone, holder for valuables, and any medication.

Good Night’s Sleep

We all know the temptation of scrolling through Twitter or watching YouTube videos till the break of dawn, but please, put your phone as far away as possible and get some good sleep. Perhaps it’s just the nerves and excitement that are taking over, so try relaxing yourself with anything necessary to you and enjoy your rest.

Plan Your Meals

Plan what you will eat the day of your run and be sure to time your breakfast so you do not get cramps. Listen to your body and you will know whether you need an energy snack before your run. You may have been told to load up on carbs, but don’t forget protein is just as important.

Stretch before the run!

Dynamic stretching, as the name implies, involves movement and muscular effort for the stretch to occur. While static stretching takes a muscle to its full length and holds it there for 15 to 60 seconds, a dynamic stretch takes soft tissues to their full length and rather than holding it, after a brief pause of three to five seconds, the muscle being stretched contracts and the muscles and tendons exert a force in that lengthened position. In this way we can lengthen the muscle, strengthen it in its new range, and also work on balance and coordination.

Hydrate yourself after the run

You will undoubtedly need to replace sweat with fluids after a run, so what should you drink and when? Water, diluted juice, and sports drinks are all good fluid replacers. If you’ve been running for less than an hour, plain water is a good choice, but if you have been running hard for longer than an hour, drinks containing sugar and sodium may speed your recovery.

Live the Beat

Most importantly, HAVE FUN and #LiveTheBeat at The Music Run™ by AIA Vitality. Dance to the tunes of DJ Sam Withers from Australia at the electric finish line party. After all that running, you deserve nothing more than to celebrate the night!

The Music Run
Date Saturday 4 November ’17
Venue KL Sports City
Time 3.30pm (Gates Open) / 6pm (5k Run Start) / 5pm (10k Run Start)

For more information on the event, click here.

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