5 Things I Miss About Sarawak After Leaving for College

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Packing up my stuff and moving away from home was one of the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I’m not only leaving my family and friends, I’m leaving home, and home was Sarawak. Home was calm neighbourhoods, quiet streets, beautiful sunsets, outdoor adventures, and the warm, warm people. And yes, home has internet, home is NOT ON A TREE, home has straight roads and buildings and everything else. (Just to make myself clear for the umpteenth time)

Here are 5 things I miss about Sarawak:


Sarawakians who left home will agree with me that nothing, NOTHING, is more important than getting off your flight and driving to the nearest kopitiam to get yourself a bowl of Sarawak Laksa. You’ve gone without one for so long, you could weep right there and then when the uncle or aunty places the bowl in front of you. We, Sarawakians, make the best laksa, there’s just nothing like it. Believe me, I’ve tried going in search for it when the craving hit me. They can never get the taste right.


These photos can’t beat seeing the real thing in person. Not even close. It’s the simple things in life like this that make me appreciate home more. I remember coming home for my semester break and realising for the first time how breathtaking sunsets were at home compared to anywhere else. As if the sky had moods, the sky would change colour every day from cotton candy pink, to lavender, to orange, or more often than not, all three.

3. ‘MIDIN’

I know, I know, it doesn’t look like much, nothing special here. Well, you’re absolutely wrong. This dish is thebomb.com, it’s perfection, it’s a gift from heaven. And you can’t find it anywhere but in Sarawak, which is also what makes it so special. Midin is the official Romanised name for this vegetable but at home we always call it ‘biling’. It’s not ‘paku’, don’t get confused, I know they look similar. Midin is usually cooked with garlic or belachan, it might not look like much, but trust me, it’s delicious.


I believe everyone needs to visit the lush, green, absolutely gorgeous rainforests in Sarawak once in their life to do some deep-soul searching. Because you will look at everything differently when you do since it’s tucked away from the noise, the busy streets and meddling crowd. There’s just something about staring at the calm and serene scene before you that makes you reflect on everything. I definitely remember the abrupt “deep-talks” I’ve had with friends amidst the greens.


Excessive honking, two-hour-long jams, road rages, and a sea of angry drivers. Sounds familiar to you? Then you’re probably used to living in the city, where everything is touch and go, the faster the better. You definitely won’t find this scene in Sarawak, where drivers take their time and enjoy the drive, and people aren’t rushing to places like their asses are on fire. You’re most likely to be met with friendly drivers, where people let you “cut the line” and make way for you when you’re driving in a rush. Yes, drivers there are 100% chill, which is something that I really, really miss seeing.

To all the fellow Sarawakians out there who miss home like I do, hold on there, home is there to stay, so just hold on. 

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