5 Minutes With Terence C

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Zouk’s resident DJ has been around for a long time rocking out your weekend on a regular basis. We speak with the Altered Image alumni.

What are your proudest moments as a DJ so far?
My proudest moments would be winning the Heineken Thirst DJ competition in 2005 with Callen and Hoong (DJ Didjital of Bass Agents) as Altered Image. Also be able to be traveling places to DJ, meeting new people, making friends and trying new food.

What do you do when you’re not working?
I chill at home, look for new music or go to the movies when not working. Oh and I hit the gym as well if I’m not too lazy. Hahaha!

Is it true everyone wants to be a DJ these days?

What are the hot tunes we should look out for this year?
Too many hot tunes to look out. I hope techno will make a come back in KL.

Do you wear perfume?
Yes. It’s either Chanel Allure for men or Bvlgari Aqva.

Do you see the cup half empty or half full?
I always see the cup as half full.

Can you spit a rhyme for us?
I would if I could. KY

Go say hi to him at www.myspace.com/djterence_c.

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