5 Minutes With Reza

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One third of the dubstepping Bud Culture, Reza is a talented graphic designer-turned-MC-turned-DJ. Yes, he gets it all done. This young man started in 2001 with hip hop group Souljah Clan, and it was in 2006 that he got into drum and bass and eventually took charge as event MC alongside JUICE DJ Quest 2008 winner Anowl. He is now credited as the co-founder of Bud Culture together with Tubby and Hanif. Let’s get grimy.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Bass! Switch on to audio system and blast some dubstep!

Name the worst job you’ve had to do.
Data entry at mum’s office.

What do you do before you go onstage?
Prep. Check mic. Check playlist. Take a leak.

When was the last time someone hit on you?
3 years ago? I forgot.

What’s the coolest thing in your room?
My collection of Hot Wheels!

Who’s your all-time favourite hero?

Damn. I love Rayden from Mortal Kombat. He teleports and has lightning power. He’s a gangsta!

When was the last time you cried?
Last year when my beloved uncle passes away.

Who would you most likely invite for dinner?
Eva Mendes? Haha!

What would you change about yourself?
Nothing. I’m quite satisfied with myself! Jyeah!

Send him some bass at www.twitter.com/fazrulreza and www.facebook.com/fazrul.reza.

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