5 Minutes with Rahul of One Buck Short

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The guitarist from Malaysia’s One Buck Short and owns his own artists booking agency Stellar Entertainment. The 25 year old took time out to chat with us.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Sadly, I’m usually woken up by a fury of annoying phone calls, so I gave up hoping for sleep longer. So I drag myself to the laptop and get to work. Yes, in my boxers.

Name the worst job you’ve had to do?
I consider all the 9-5 jobs i’ve had a waste of time and effort. But the worst would probably be this SMS contest-type company I worked for. I had no idea what I was doing there and neither did they. Crappy 3 months, that was.

What do you do before you go on stage?
1 hour before show in this order: stretch, warm-up exercises, sprints, Red Bull Light, beer and rock ‘n roll.

When was the last time someone hit on you?
Hmmm. Probably a year ago and it let to a crazy fight. No more. I am now one with peace.

What’s the coolest thing in your room?
I’m having a hard time choose between the signed posters, backstage passes to international tours or all the guitars lying around. Oh and the Family Guy collection. How does one live without Family Guy?

Who’s your all-time favourite hero?
Peter Griffin and Michael Chugg from Chugg Entertainment.

When was the last time you cried?
When I saw that movie Up. F*cking little kid moved me. A$$hole.

Who would you most likely invite for dinner?
I would go for the crazy whacked up dinner then everything else. So the guestlist in no particular order are DJ Chans, Joyce (KinkyBlueFairy), Rudy (Hitz) and Jeevan (ESPN). Yea, I think the 5 of us put together can stir some sh!t up.

What would you change about yourself?
No Miss Universe answer from me here. I want to change the beer-laden stomach into hard rock abs of steel. I’m already working on it. Honestly.

To see if Rahul is getting is abs on, rock over to www.onebuckshort.com to find out or see what he does at www.stellarentertains.com now.

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