5 Minutes with Adam Cooper

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This young man was raised in the moderate sized town of Reigate, Surrey in England. Adam Cooper moved from UK to Thailand to work for a software company. 10 months later, the company asked him to move to Malaysia. In March 2007, Adam was living it up in KL becoming one of the faces you will find familiar in the clubs. DJ Adam Cooper was born and he has been unstoppable since. Let’s get to know him a little bit better.

How did you get into DJing?
I have always loved clubbing and house music. I owned my first house track before I was 10! I took my first trip to Ibiza at 17 and then started to learn to mix on vinyl at 18, but it was a friend’s equipment so I really didn’t get the opportunity to practice. DJ equipment doesn’t come cheap so I didn’t have my own but in 2008, I took the plunge and bought everything I needed to teach myself how to mix and blend house tracks. 6 months later I played my first gig. Now I don’t get a weekend off and I love it.

What kind of music do you play?
I love all kinds of house and jump between many different house genres during a set. But I mainly play vocal, funky, dirty electro and a little bit of progressive house.

So where can people find you behind the decks?
My residency is at TwentyOne across both of their venues (Changkat Bukit Bintang and Bangsar Shopping Centre). I play at Social and Aristo too, but have one off gigs at several different venues. I have my website launching this year to keep people updated, otherwise watch out for event invites on Facebook.

Tell us about the wildest party you’ve performed at?
Well I would love to tell you about the time when I performed in front of 30,000 people at Global Gathering but that hasn’t happened yet. But there have been some mad parties at TwentyOne. It was wall to wall and people going crazy. A couple that stick in my mind are the time I took over the ladies night at TwentyOne for the night. The day job was definitely a struggle the next day. Christmas Eve 2009 rocked too!

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Press snooze and go back to sleep. 5 times in a row.

Name the worst job you’ve had to do?
Generally when anyone decides to be sick in your sink at a house party it ends up being a nasty job. Being a supermarket shelf stacker was pretty rubbish too.

What do you do before you go on stage?
50 press ups, 50 chin ups, 30 burpies and a few glasses of confidence enhancer. Beer, vodka, wine… I’m not fussy.

When was the last time someone hit on you?
Hmmm. Is my girlfriend going to read this?

What’s the coolest thing in your room?
Me. When I’m in it!

Who’s your all-time favourite hero?
The MJ’s. Michael Jordan. He purely dominated his sport. He was just too good. And Michael Jackson. Simply a musical legend! RIP MJ!

When was the last time you cried?
Men don’t cry. Errr. Last week!

Who would you most likely invite for dinner?
Any of the 100 hottest women in the world. I would also consider the 101st hottest woman in the world.

What would you change about yourself?
If you are asking me to bear my soul on all my insecurities then we could be here a while. So let’s just say my hair!

Do you have a website?
Soon to be launched www.djadamcooper.com.

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