5 Examples of Unwanted Vandalism on GE14 Billboards & Posters

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#0: A vandalised banner in Bakri town. (source: The Star)

As most of y’all know, the #GE14 fever is hot and competitive as hell this year. Minus the annoying flags popping out at every corner of the street, that have clearly become an eyesore to residents, it’s good to see that politicians are amping up their game, and voters old and new pumped up to vote for a better future.

These political campaigns did indeed bring out both the best and worst of fanatics from all political parties. The most obvious issue is definitely acts of vandalism, especially towards political posters, billboards and flags, which we suspect are perpetrated by rivalling supporters or just non-partisan anarchists.

Every four to five years, political party hoardings provide a fresh canvas for those wishing to project their love and hate (mostly hate) for parties via often profane graffiti. But regardless of what type of vandalism occurs, it shows immaturity and could be considered as a hate-crime. What may seem to you to be just playing, displaying “art”, or having fun, could land you in a lot of trouble. See Fahmi Reza.

Take a look at these five cases that caused discomfort to both sides of the political sphere and to everyone else who just wanted a peaceful election:

1. Najib and Altantuya


2. Blood stains on Pakatan in Subang

(source: Malay Mail – Zuraneeza Zulkifli)


3. Najib with Pakatan flags

(source: Twitter)

Our acting PM actually had a good response to this.


4. & 5. MCA and Keadilan Youth Chiefs

C’mon man, this is just teaching kids to swear. (source: FB Tai Zee Kin)
(source: FB Tai Zee Kin)


To all those who are pissed off for whatever the reason, the election is your chance to vent that anger and actually make a change for the better. If we’re just going deface every party’s poster, well, it’s going to create a circle of hate. Like right now, flags are burning in Kedah apparently (as reported by FMT), and Dr M’s face was cut out from a billboard in Ayer Hitam (source: The Star).

Is this really the type of behaviour we want our children to adopt in coming elections?

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