Tiger Beer Made Sure All of Us Were Woke on the Illegal Tiger Trade @ Publika

The culmination of Tiger Beer’s collaborative campaign with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – 3890Tigers – the initiative took over The Square, Publika on Global Tiger Day (29 July) for a revelry aimed to get every regular Joe involved in the fight against the illegal tiger trade. To the uninitiated, the 3890Tigers campaign saw Tiger Beer removing its iconic tiger insignia across all of its packaging and placing a rhetorical “Can you imagine a world without tigers?” instead. Fans then were able to show their support by logging onto 3890Tigers.com, wherein they were able to personalise their own selfie using designs by six artists, which can be shared on social media.
Having had ran the campaign for a month beforehand, Tiger Beer threw the massive creative showcase as a display of appreciation to the fans and artists involved in the cause. Publika’s public square was adorned with both macro and micro art pieces, with Tiger frequent collaborator Kenji Chai – one of the six artists commissioned for the designs on 3890Tigers.com – having the biggest graffiti mural. Alongside him were pieces by Sly Fox Crew, Caryn Koh, Stephen Lau, MonoEVOLVE, NESTWO, Kangblala, and Malaysia Origami Association, all of whom imbued their respective works with 3890Tigers’ mission statement of protecting Malayan tigers against illegal poachers.
These art pieces weren’t just displayed and erected there for décor’s sake though; while Tiger Beer had already pledged USD1 million to WWF’s tiger conservation efforts, all the pieces at the showcase were up for a silent auction, of which its profits will be donated to the cause.
Of course, as this was a Tiger Beer event and not just an art exhibition, there were other activities to indulge in. Aside from good beers and delightful street food (another Tiger staple), fans were able to dabble in an origami workshop, jigsaw mural, and even body marbling. Passers-by unaware of 3890Tigers needn’t worry either, there was a pledge booth nearby dedicated to enlightening them on the plight of the Malayan tiger.
Throughout the event, RYÖTJONES and The Kaya Band played live with DJ sets by Oddjob, Biggie, and Axel Jonal interspersed in between breaks.
The 3890Tigers Campaign Finale went down on Global Tiger Day, which is on Friday 29 July ’17.