27th Macao Arts Festival

The Macao Arts Festival (MAF) offers an experience for attendees to immerse themselves in its arts and music culture for a month-long period. MAF usually curates its activities using a theme as its reference, this year’s being ‘Time’ – a couple of factors that were taken into consideration when choosing this theme was the team’s belief of classics going hand in hand with everyone’s lives regardless of the time it was produced, and because 2016 marks 400 years since two prominent playwrights from opposing sides of the world passed away; William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu of the Ming Dynasty. Seeing as its an arts and music festival that are paying homage to playwrights that paved the literary way in their own right, a total of 27 programmes have been planned for the festival. Each of them has been divided into seven categories such as Thematic Highlights, Groundbreakers, Cross-Disciplinary Creations, Family Entertainment, Quintessence of Tradition, Concerts, and Exhibitions – among the few on the itinerary are plays such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, and disabled theatre featuring actors from a Swiss theatre company. Check out the schedule in its entirety here.
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