15 Motorcyclists Detained For Violating Interstate Travel Ban For A Meal In Seremban

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Source: The Star

Fifteen motorcyclists who violated the interstate travel ban by travelling to Seremban for a meal were detained by police on Thursday night.

According to The Star, on Wednesday night, the motorcyclists aged 18-34 were also riding recklessly on the way to Seremban via the Kajang-Seremban Expressway.

The suspects are set to be investigated for violating the travel ban as well as for their reckless riding.

Speaking to The Star, Bukit Aman traffic and enforcement department deputy director Senior Asst Comm Datuk Mohd Nadzri said, “The youths, who are members of three gangs, could be clearly seen zig-zagging on the road and doing ‘Superman’ stunts while racing.”

Photo used for illustration purpose only. Source: Malay Mail/Sayuti Zainudin

The motorcyclists are to be charged under the Section 42(1) of the Road Transport ACT 1987 for reckless and dangerous riding in which they can be fined between RM5,000 and RM15,000.

While they also risk facing being jailed up to five years, the youths will also be issued compounds for their violations.

SAC Mohd Nazri added, “We have also seized their motorcycles and sent the youths to the Nilai police station for further action.”

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