13 Times Yuna Was a Queen on Social Media

If you’re Malaysian, chances of you not knowing Yuna is slim to none — and as Muhammad Ali once said, slim has just left town. I remember seeing a post of hers addressing her younger audience who had scrutinised her for her decision to live abroad for (what they assumed to be) “too long” and implied that she had “forgotten her roots” by doing so. It resonated with me until this point in my life because I felt for her. She shouldn’t need to have to explain her choices, however seeing as she has an incredible influence over her followers, it was the appropriate thing to do as it would hopefully shift their perspective. I went back to look for that post but ended up scrolling down what seemed like 8000 grids to find it — turns out it was uploaded in 2015! — and had many moments of “Why does this post make me feel like crying?” and “She handled this situation with so much grace!” So naturally, here’s an apropos listicle of some of Yuna’s #YASSSSSQUEEN-worthy moments on Instagram for your viewing pleasure.
(And to justify to my Editor as to why I spent an entire afternoon unintentionally stalking the pop singer).
Here we go:
That time she had to host a class on
‘How to Leave Respectful Comments on Instagram’:
When she made a joke but people
processed it differently and left mean comments,
so she responded to it as diplomatically as she possibly
She appeared on The Coveteur. That is all:
When she hosted her second class on
‘How to Leave Respectful Comments on Instagram’,
only this time she was more assertive.
When she asked her followers to be smart consumers
and to create personal identities
instead of replicating what they see:
Yuna loves fried chicken. We love fried chicken.
We are practically the same person!
Another lesson of ‘How to Leave Respectful Comments on Instagram’.
We s2g (that’s ‘swear to God for y’all who aren’t up to date on internet slang)
if she has to host another one of these classes this year,
somebody best donate dictionaries to these users that just
don’t seem to get the picture or in this case, the definition:
ANOTHER class on
‘How to Leave Respectful Comments on Instagram’ and also
the post that was referred to in the introduction:
When she encouraged personal growth
and for people to go beyond their comfort zones:
When she shared what she went through in her 20s
and how it made her the woman she is today:
When she found herself again after overcoming
a rough time in her life:
How she overcame dealing with sexist and racist comments:
When she empowered people by reminding them that
it’s going to be alright:
Follow Yuna on Instagram here.