Your Mom’s Fashion

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Text Natasha Foo
Images Your Mom’s Fashion

Put three girls with a fiery passion for fashion, too many cool clothes lying about, a little extra time, and an inherent need to share their thrifty finds with the world and you’ll have an equation for a fun, quirky blog shop to meet your vintage needs. Run by close friends Amalina, Khalilah and Balkish, and active as of July, Your Mom’s Fashion has been embraced by the internet savvy fashion conscious. When asked what inspires them, the girls twitter excitedly “old photographs of our moms!” Besides that, the trio also draws inspiration from fashion magazines, websites, other blog shops and through people-watching. In a time where people value looking unique, Your Mom’s Fashion, stocks only one piece per item and garments from every era, all in pristine, vintage condition. With plans to expand and stock hand-made crafts and trinkets in the pipeline, the girls of Your Mom’s Fashion have big ambitions. Get ready for some mouse-clicking.

Visit for more sartorial goodies from decades past.

This report was published in the November issue of JUICE.

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