Fred Perry KLCC
So the story goes that championship tennis player Fred Perry started his own line of polo tees way back in the 40s. When the 50s came along, the brand gained popularity with the Mod movement and decades later, has become synonymous with British street fashion and music until today.
There are, no doubt, plenty of Fred Perry fans out there and JUICE is really glad that the British high street label’s 1st flagship store has opened in KLCC. Spanning approximately 1380 square feet, it houses the Fred Perry Authentic line of apparel and accessories-a collection of sporty, casual pieces that “exude the iconic understated coolness of the brand”-all bearing its signature laurel logo. Let’s hope the store carries the Amy Winehouse for Fred Perry collection when it’s released in October!
The Fred Perry Concept Store is located at 112A/B, 1st Floor Suria KLCC, KL. More collections at
Images Fred Perry