Flash Glam Trash!

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Ever since televisions entered our homes, our brains have been fed all things American (especially if you grew up in the 80s) from watching shows like MASH, The A-Team, Family Ties and especially Saturday morning cartoons like GI Joe,Thundercats or better yet, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The same goes for the 90s too from shows like Saved By The Bell but you get my drift already. As a result we’ve grown up to love all things Americana and associate everything from economy to fashion with the Land Of The Free. No surprises why a brand like Ed Hardy, whose designs are based on famous Americana style (think 40s sailor style) tattoo artist Don Ed Hardy is such a big hit here in Malaysia – Ed Hardy is really a quintessential American brand.

The man behind Ed Hardy though is French. Named Christian Audigier, he 1st gained fame for heading the once popular brand Von Dutch (ugh, please put that trucker cap away). He’s also designed for likes of Naf Naf and Kookai, so that saves him from being a complete disaster, somewhat.

The Ed Hardy label is based on Don Ed Hardy’s work and its officially called ‘vintage tattoo wear’, so sailor themed tattoos are prevalent in the Ed Hardy label that ranges from clothes to accessories for men and women. There are a lot of Ed Hardy fans out there, but for those that are new to the brand there is an outlet in KLCC that has been around for about a year. If you’re a big fan then its time to visit the store as they’ve got new stuff in! For the girls there are new blouses and dresses, for the guys Ed Hardy has new tees with new designs and for the tech lovin’ soul, Ed Hardy even has their special gadget range! Their optical mouse comes at RM137 a pop and the laptop skins are RM163 each. Yup, looking like glam trash don’t come cheap.

Ed Hardy is located at Lot 210 & 211, 2nd Floor, Suria KLCC. Check out their site edhardyshop.com or join their Facebook group www.facebook.com/pages/Ed-Hardy-Malaysia/44875147621?v=info

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