Basic Theory’s Facial and Body Care

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JUICE has been on the lookout for beauty and skincare products made within the Southeast Asian region for a while now, and recently we found this gem called Basic Theory. The brand was founded early this year after having been inspired by nature and minimalism, which was then translated to its product’s packaging and ingredients. Basic Theory uses simple ingredients and with it, the brand hopes to remind its customers of the simple pleasures in life that are so easily neglected (like taking care of one’s body and giving it the care that it needs).

We tried two of its best selling products this month and here’s what we think:

Balancing Facial Toner & Mist (approx. RM60)

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We love that this Basic Theory product has a 2-in-1 function; it’s both a facial toner and a mist that can be used to freshen up the skin throughout the day. Its blend includes pure Frankincense and lavender oil, which helps regularise the skin’s sebum production and minimises the occurrence of breakouts. It’s also a product made for those with combination and oily skin types. Godsend? We think so. Besides the very useful benefits that each user gets from this product, we’re also loving Basic Theory’s packaging and its sleek design. It’s quite rare that we find a facial mist that’s not larger than life and can actually fit into our bags.

Just Lavender Polish (approx. RM76)

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Coffee scrubs work wonders on some bodies but unfortunately, we don’t fit in that category (but we still love you, Frank!). So, we hoped that a floral based body scrub would do the trick, and we weren’t let down. This scrub is made of lavender, sweet almond, and vitamin E, so it’s understandable why the smell alone makes it seem like it’s good enough to be eaten, but that’s not advisable. The Just Lavender Polish targets to perfect areas with the most flaws (cellulite, stretch marks, dry skin) and it also doubles as a ‘stress-free aid kit’; lavender is used to relax and relieve one of their tensions, so while waiting for the scrub to fully exfoliate and moisturise our skin, it also works its magic on our nervous system. We would definitely recommend this for those with irregular sleeping hours because we slept like babies after giving it a go.

Shop for Basic Theory’s products here

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