South Koreans Urged Against Eating Deep-Fried Toothpicks
This trend originated from a South Korean live-streaming platform where creators indulge in unconventional foods, and is now making waves across China as well.
Man Who Marked SG’s First Vaccine-Related Fatality Was “Otherwise Healthy”, Says State Coroner
MOH adds that the occurrence of myocarditis is still “rare.”
Hannah Yeoh Says Rina Harun Should Be Fired For Constantly Endorsing Acts Which Demean M’sian Women
Does Hannah have a point?
Cabinet To Revise 3 Acts To Let Transport Ministry & Agencies Regulate Food Delivery Services
Will this make things better?
Framework On Authorisation Of Medical CBD Products To Be Announced Soon, Says Khairy
It’ll be out within the next year!
Nasi Lemak Seller Goes from Trolley to Stall With the Help of FT Ministry
A brand new license, stall and flat.
Tun M Says Lim Guan Eng Has To Clear His Name Before Taking Up Finance Post
It seems we’re finance minister-less for the time being.